How To Drink Mezcal: Tips And Recommendations

If you’re curious about how to drink mezcal and want to know how to fully enjoy this unique spirit, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll provide you with some valuable tips and recommendations to enhance your mezcal-drinking experience. From understanding the different types of mezcal to learning about the best serving methods, we’ve got you covered.

Get ready to embark on a delightful journey of flavors and discover the secrets behind enjoying mezcal to the fullest.

Choosing the Right Mezcal

Consider the production process

When choosing the right mezcal, it’s important to consider the production process. Mezcal is made from the agave plant, and there are different methods used to produce it. Traditional methods involve roasting the agave hearts in underground pits, which gives the mezcal a smoky flavor. Other methods use ovens or steam to cook the agave hearts. Each production process will result in a different flavor profile, so it’s important to understand how the mezcal was produced before making a selection.

Mezcal and tequila are both distilled spirits made from the agave plant, but there are some key differences between the two. Tequila can only be made from Blue Weber agave and must be produced in specific regions of Mexico, primarily in the state of Jalisco. Mezcal, on the other hand, can be made from various types of agave and can be produced in different regions throughout Mexico. Additionally, while tequila has a more standardized production process, mezcal is known for its artisanal and traditional production methods, resulting in a wider variety of flavors.

Know the different types of mezcal

Another important factor to consider when choosing the right mezcal is understanding the different types available. Mezcal can be made from various types of agave, each with its own unique characteristics. Some popular types of agave used in mezcal production include Espadín, Tobalá, and Tobaziche. Each type of agave will contribute different flavors to the mezcal, so it’s worth exploring the different options to find the type that suits your palate.

Yes, mezcal can be aged. While the majority of mezcal is unaged and meant to be consumed immediately, there are also aged mezcal options available. Aged mezcal can be aged in wooden barrels, which can impart additional flavors and complexity to the spirit. The aging process can range from a few months to several years, resulting in a smoother and more nuanced mezcal. If you enjoy aged spirits, be sure to look for mezcal that has been aged to enhance your drinking experience.

Research different brands and regions

Lastly, it’s important to research different mezcal brands and the regions they come from. Just like wine, mezcal can vary greatly depending on the specific brand and region of production. Some regions, such as Oaxaca, are known for producing exceptional mezcal. Researching different brands and regions can help you find mezcal that aligns with your taste preferences and quality standards. The internet, mezcal tastings, and speaking to knowledgeable experts can all be valuable resources in your research.

While it is true that many mezcals have a smoky flavor, not all mezcals will have this characteristic. The smoky flavor in mezcal is often a result of the roasting process used to cook the agave hearts. However, there are also mezcals that are made using different production methods that do not involve roasting, resulting in a more subtle or even non-existent smoky flavor. If you’re not a fan of smoky flavors, exploring different brands and regions can help you find mezcals that suit your taste preferences.

Serving Mezcal

Use the right glassware

When it comes to serving mezcal, using the right glassware can enhance your drinking experience. Traditional clay copitas, small cups with wide bowls and short stems, are commonly used to serve mezcal. These copitas are designed to capture the aromas of the mezcal and allow for easy sipping. If you don’t have copitas, you can also use a tulip-shaped glass or a snifter. The key is to choose a glass that will concentrate the aromas and allow you to fully appreciate the complex flavors of the mezcal.

The ideal temperature to serve mezcal is slightly below room temperature, around 60-70°F (15-21°C). Serving mezcal at this temperature allows the flavors to shine without being masked by cold temperatures. If you prefer your mezcal slightly cooler, you can chill the glass before pouring the mezcal. Avoid serving it too cold, as extremely low temperatures can dull the flavors and aromas of the mezcal.

Pair mezcal with complementary snacks

To further enhance your mezcal drinking experience, consider pairing it with complementary snacks. Mezcal pairs well with a variety of flavors, from savory to sweet. Some popular snack options to enjoy with mezcal include salted nuts, cured meats, cheeses, and even dark chocolate. These snacks can help cleanse your palate between sips and provide a delightful contrast to the flavors of the mezcal. Experiment with different combinations to find your perfect mezcal and snack pairing.

Absolutely! Mezcal can be a versatile and flavorful addition to cocktails. Its smoky and complex flavors can add depth to classic cocktails such as a Mezcal Negroni or a Smoky Margarita. Additionally, mezcal can be used in innovative recipes to create unique and delicious cocktails. When mixing mezcal, be sure to balance it with other ingredients to ensure the flavors are well-rounded and harmonious.

Tasting Mezcal

Observe its appearance

When tasting mezcal, start by observing its appearance. Pour a small amount of mezcal into a copita or a glass and take a moment to observe its color and consistency. Mezcal can range in color from clear and transparent to amber or golden. The consistency can be thick and oily or light and watery. Paying attention to these visual cues can give you an idea of the mezcal’s age and flavor profile. Take note of any variations in color or consistency as you explore different mezcals.

To savor the flavors of mezcal, take small sips and let the liquid linger on your palate. Allow the mezcal to coat your tongue and take note of the flavors that emerge. Take your time and pay attention to the different taste sensations, from sweet and fruity to earthy and smoky. Swirl the mezcal in your mouth, allowing it to interact with your taste buds and explore the complexity of flavors. Remember to cleanse your palate between sips with a sip of water or a plain cracker.

Smell the aromas

One of the most delightful aspects of tasting mezcal is the opportunity to savor its aromas. Bring the copita or glass to your nose and take a deep inhale, allowing the aromas to fill your senses. Mezcal can have a wide range of aromatic profiles, from floral and herbal to fruity and smoky. Take note of the different scents that you detect and try to identify specific aromas. This sensory experience can enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the mezcal.

Common aromas in mezcal can include notes of agave, smoke, roasted nuts, citrus, herbs, and even tropical fruits. Each mezcal will have its own unique aroma profile, influenced by factors such as the type of agave used, the production process, and the aging, if any. Exploring different mezcals can help you develop your nose and identify specific aromas more easily.

Take small sips and savor the flavors

Finally, the most exciting part of tasting mezcal is taking small sips and savoring the flavors. Allow the mezcal to coat your tongue and take note of the initial flavors that hit your palate. Is it sweet, smoky, or spicy? As you continue to sip, pay attention to how the flavors evolve and linger. Notice any changes in taste and texture. Mezcal can be a complex and multifaceted spirit, and taking your time to savor its flavors will allow you to appreciate its nuances fully.

Developing your palate for mezcal takes time and practice. The best way to do so is by tasting a variety of mezcals from different brands and regions. Pay attention to the flavors and aromas and try to identify specific characteristics. Comparing and contrasting different mezcals can help you develop a better understanding of the spirit and refine your palate. Additionally, attending mezcal tastings or speaking to knowledgeable experts can provide valuable insights and guidance in your journey to becoming a mezcal connoisseur.

Mixing Mezcal Cocktails

Experiment with classic cocktails

Mixing mezcal into classic cocktails can introduce a smoky twist and elevate the flavors. Classic cocktails such as the Old Fashioned, Manhattan, or Margarita can all be made with mezcal for a unique and exciting twist. The smoky and complex flavors of mezcal add a whole new dimension to these time-honored favorites. Experiment with different ratios and variations to find the perfect balance and create a mezcal cocktail that suits your taste preferences.

Some classic mezcal cocktails include the Mezcal Paloma, Mezcal Negroni, and the Oaxacan Old Fashioned. These cocktails showcase the smoky and complex flavors of mezcal and have gained popularity among mezcal enthusiasts. They are easy to make and perfect for those looking to explore the world of mezcal cocktails.

Try mezcal in innovative recipes

For those who enjoy getting creative in the kitchen, mezcal can be used in innovative recipes beyond traditional cocktails. Mezcal can add depth and complexity to dishes such as marinades, sauces, and even desserts. Try using mezcal to marinate meats before grilling, or combine it with fresh lime juice and honey for a zesty and smoky salad dressing. Get adventurous and experiment with different recipes to incorporate the unique flavors of mezcal into your culinary creations.

Yes, mezcal can be used in non-alcoholic drinks to add a smoky and complex flavor profile. From mocktails to virgin cocktails, mezcal can provide a unique twist to non-alcoholic beverages. Try mixing mezcal with fresh fruit juices, infused syrups, and a splash of soda water for a refreshing and flavor-packed mocktail experience.

Balance mezcal with other ingredients

When mixing mezcal in cocktails, it’s important to balance its bold flavors with other ingredients. The smokiness and complexity of mezcal can sometimes overpower other flavors, so it’s crucial to find the right balance to create a harmonious cocktail. Experiment with sweet, sour, and bitter elements to complement and enhance the mezcal. Citrus juices, sweet syrups, and bitters can all be used to balance the flavors and create a well-rounded mezcal cocktail.

The best way to mix mezcal for a cocktail is to start with a solid base of mezcal, typically around 2 ounces (60 ml). From there, add complementary ingredients such as citrus juice, sweeteners, bitters, and other spirits if desired. Remember to taste as you go and make adjustments to achieve the desired flavor profile. Every cocktail recipe may have different ratios, so start with the recommended measurements and then tweak to your personal taste.

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How To Enjoy Drinking Mezcal: Tips And Recommendations

Exploring Mezcal Brands

Learn about traditional mezcalerias

To truly immerse yourself in the world of mezcal, learning about traditional mezcalerias is essential. Mezcalerias are establishments that specialize in serving and educating people about mezcal. These unique establishments often have an extensive selection of mezcals from various brands and regions. Visiting a mezcalería can be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the different brands, taste a variety of mezcals, and deepen your appreciation for this incredible spirit.

Traditional mezcalerias can be found primarily in Mexico, particularly in regions known for mezcal production such as Oaxaca. However, mezcal’s popularity has been growing globally, and you may find mezcalerias in other countries as well. Research local establishments, join mezcal enthusiast groups, and seek recommendations from locals or knowledgeable experts to discover hidden gems in your area.

Attend mezcal tastings and events

Another way to explore mezcal brands and expand your knowledge is by attending mezcal tastings and events. Mezcal tastings allow you to sample a variety of mezcals and interact with experts who can guide you through the tasting experience. These events often provide valuable insights into the history, production methods, and flavor profiles of different mezcals. Keep an eye out for mezcal festivals, seminars, and workshops that may be happening in your area.

To find mezcal tastings and events, consider reaching out to local bars, restaurants, and liquor stores that specialize in mezcal. They may organize or host events themselves or have information about upcoming tastings or festivals in your area. Additionally, online resources, social media groups, and dedicated mezcal websites can provide information on mezcal-related events happening locally and internationally.

Speak to knowledgeable experts

One of the best ways to expand your understanding of mezcal brands is by speaking to knowledgeable experts. These experts can range from bartenders and mezcal producers to experienced mezcal enthusiasts. Their insights and recommendations can provide valuable guidance on different brands, production methods, flavor profiles, and pairing suggestions. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and seek out opportunities to learn from those who have a deep passion and knowledge for mezcal.

Becoming more knowledgeable about mezcal takes time and a willingness to learn. Start by reading books and articles about mezcal, its history, and its production methods. Attend tastings, visit mezcal distilleries, and talk to experts in the field. Joining online mezcal communities and forums can also be a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from their experiences. As your knowledge grows, share your newfound knowledge with others to foster a community of mezcal enthusiasts.

Also Check: Why Does Mezcal Have A Smoky Flavor?

Understanding Mezcal Pairings

Discover mezcal and food pairings

Pairing mezcal with food can elevate both the flavors of the mezcal and the dish. The complex and smoky flavors of mezcal can complement a variety of cuisines and ingredients. Mezcal pairs particularly well with grilled meats, roasted vegetables, and hearty dishes. The smoky and earthy notes in mezcal can contrast with rich and fatty flavors, creating a harmonious pairing. Experiment with different dishes to discover your favorite mezcal and food pairings.

Some popular mezcal and food pairings include mezcal with grilled steak, roasted chicken, or even barbecued pork. The smoky flavors of mezcal can enhance the charred and savory flavors of grilled or roasted meats. For a vegetarian option, try pairing mezcal with roasted vegetables such as eggplant or peppers. The earthy and smoky notes of mezcal can complement the natural sweetness and charred flavors of different vegetables.

Explore pairing mezcal with desserts

Mezcal can also be paired with desserts for a unique and unexpected combination of flavors. Mezcal’s smokiness and complexity can create intriguing contrasts with sweet and creamy desserts. Try pairing mezcal with dark chocolate, caramel-based desserts, or creamy custards. The combination of smoky mezcal and rich, sweet flavors can be a delightful way to end a meal. As with any pairing, it’s essential to balance the flavors and experiment to find combinations that work well for your taste preferences.

Yes, mezcal can be used in cooking desserts to add a depth of flavor. You can incorporate mezcal into dessert recipes like chocolate truffles, flambéed fruits, or even the frosting of a cake. The smoky and complex flavors of mezcal can infuse the dessert with a unique twist and enhance the overall taste experience.

Experiment with different flavor combinations

Pairing mezcal is an opportunity for exploration and experimentation. Don’t be afraid to get creative and try unique flavor combinations. Whether it’s pairing mezcal with spicy foods, incorporating it into exotic dishes, or even creating mezcal-infused sauces, the possibilities are endless. Keep an open mind and trust your palate as you explore different mezcal pairings. You might discover unexpected and delightful combinations that become your new favorites.

When experimenting with mezcal pairings, consider the balance of flavors, intensity, and texture. Look for complementary or contrasting flavors and textures that can enhance each other. Take into account the characteristics of the mezcal, such as the level of smokiness or the presence of other flavor notes. Consider the overall dining experience and how the mezcal pairing can enhance the enjoyment of the meal. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and try combinations that may seem unconventional but could yield incredible results.

Taking Mezcal Trips

Visit mezcal distilleries in Mexico

To fully appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship of mezcal production, consider visiting mezcal distilleries in Mexico. Mezcal-producing regions such as Oaxaca offer the opportunity to witness the traditional production methods firsthand and learn from the local mezcaleros (mezcal producers) themselves. Visiting a distillery allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the mezcal-making process, the agave varieties used, and the dedication that goes into creating this extraordinary spirit.

Its rich mezcal heritage makes Oaxaca one of the most prominent mezcal-producing regions in Mexico. Other regions such as Guerrero, Durango, Puebla, and Zacatecas also have a long history of mezcal production. Each region will have its unique flavors and characteristics due to differences in climate, soil, and agave varieties. Exploring different regions allows you to discover the diverse world of mezcal and experience the unique terroir expressed in each bottle.

Participate in tasting tours and workshops

If visiting mezcal distilleries is not feasible, participating in tasting tours and workshops can provide a similar educational experience. Many tour companies and educational institutions offer guided tours that take you to various mezcal producers, allowing you to taste and learn about different mezcals in a more structured setting. These tours often include in-depth explanations of the production process, the various types of agave used, and provide a comprehensive understanding of the mezcal industry.

To find mezcal tasting tours and workshops, research tour companies and local travel agencies that specialize in mezcal-related experiences. Look for reviews and recommendations to ensure a reputable and informative tour. Additionally, mezcal festivals and events often offer tasting workshops led by experts in the field. Keep an eye out for these opportunities to further enrich your understanding of mezcal.

Immerse yourself in the local culture

A mezcal trip is not just about the spirit itself, but also about immersing yourself in the rich cultural heritage that surrounds mezcal production. When visiting mezcal-producing regions, take the time to explore the local markets, museums, and historical sites. Learn about the traditions, folklore, and customs that have shaped the mezcal industry. Engage with the local community, sample the regional cuisine, and embrace the vibrant energy that permeates these mezcal-centric regions.

During a mezcal trip, seek out cultural experiences such as traditional agave harvesting, music performances, traditional dances, and artisanal crafts. These experiences provide a deeper context for understanding mezcal’s place in the local culture and allow you to connect with the people behind the production of this beloved spirit.

Storing Mezcal

Store mezcal in a cool and dark place

Proper storage is crucial to maintain the quality and flavors of mezcal. Mezcal should be stored in a cool and dark place, away from direct sunlight and heat. Exposure to sunlight or high temperatures can speed up the aging process and alter the flavors of the mezcal. Ideally, store your bottles in a cool cellar, liquor cabinet, or closet to ensure they remain in optimal condition until you’re ready to enjoy them.

Once a bottle of mezcal has been opened, it will slowly start to oxidize and change over time. With proper storage, an opened bottle of mezcal can maintain its quality for several years, but it’s best to consume it within one to two years for optimal flavor. To slow down oxidation, ensure the bottle is tightly sealed after each use and store it away from heat and light.

Keep the bottle tightly sealed

To preserve the flavors and quality of mezcal, it’s essential to keep the bottle tightly sealed when not in use. Exposure to air can cause the mezcal to oxidize and lose some of its vibrant flavors. After pouring a serving, be sure to seal the bottle tightly to minimize air contact. Additionally, consider using a wine stopper or airtight cap to create a more secure seal, especially if the original stopper is not airtight.

Unlike wine, mezcal does not need to be stored on its side. Mezcal bottles can be stored upright, as they do not require contact with the cork or closure to maintain quality. To help minimize the chances of leaks or spills, especially if the bottle is not tightly sealed, you should store the bottle upright.

Avoid exposure to sunlight or heat

Sunlight and heat can have detrimental effects on the quality and flavors of mezcal. Direct exposure to sunlight can cause the mezcal to degrade quickly and alter its taste. Similarly, high temperatures can accelerate the aging process and diminish the flavors of the mezcal. To protect your mezcal, store it in a cool and dark place away from windows, heat sources, and other sources of direct light or heat.

Chilling mezcal briefly before serving can enhance your enjoyment, especially if you prefer a colder beverage, even though keeping it in the freezer for an extended period is not recommended. However, prolonged exposure to extremely low temperatures can dull the flavors and aromas of the mezcal, so it’s best to avoid storing mezcal in the freezer for extended periods.

How To Enjoy Drinking Mezcal: Tips And Recommendations

Source: TheTechBrain AI

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What is the difference between mezcal and tequila?

Both mezcal and tequila derive from the agave plant, yet they exhibit notable distinctions. Producers must craft tequila exclusively from Blue Weber agave and carry out production in specific regions of Mexico, primarily in the state of Jalisco. In contrast, mezcal allows for the utilization of diverse agave types and permits production across different regions throughout Mexico. Furthermore, while tequila follows a more standardized production process, mezcal artisans utilize traditional and artisanal methods, resulting in a wider variety of flavors.

Can mezcal be aged?

Yes, Mezcal offers aged options that consumers can explore, alongside the majority of unaged mezcal, which producers intend for immediate consumption. Wooden barrels can age aged mezcal, infusing the spirit with added flavors and complexity. The aging process can range from a few months to several years, resulting in a smoother and more nuanced mezcal. If you enjoy aged spirits, be sure to look for aged mezcal to enhance your drinking experience.

Do all mezcals have a smoky flavor?

While it is true that many mezcals have a smoky flavor, not all mezcals will have this characteristic. The smoky flavor in mezcal is often a result of the roasting process used to cook the agave hearts. However, some mezcals are crafted using alternative production methods that exclude roasting, leading to a more subtle or even absence of smoky flavor. If you’re not a fan of smoky flavors, exploring different brands and regions can help you find mezcals that suit your taste preferences.


Congratulations on reaching the end of this comprehensive article on choosing, serving, tasting, mixing, exploring, understanding, and storing mezcal! Equip yourself with the tips and recommendations provided to fully enjoy the unique taste of mezcal. Embrace and savor the richness of this extraordinary spirit with confidence and excitement. 

Continue your exploration and learning of mezcal, as this extraordinary spirit awaits with a world of flavors and experiences to be discovered. Keep discovering and experiencing its richness firsthand. Share your love for mezcal with others, introduce them to the magic of this traditional Mexican spirit, and raise a toast to the beautiful complexities of life. Cheers!